A selection of Dr. Reams’ professional manuscripts and his CV
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- Transitioning young children into adoptive homes I: Responding to the emotional needs of the child and involved adults
- Transitioning young children into adoptive homes II: The process of transition
- Children birth to three entering the state’s custody
- Dr. Reams’ Curriculum Vitae as of 4-2020
- Adoptive transition outline version 1.5
- www.zerotothree.org (for issues of infants, toddlers and their families)
- http://www.spdfoundation.net/ (for sensory processing issues)
- http://www.a4pt.org/ps.index.cfm?ID=1653 (about play therapy)
- http://www.healthychildren.org (American Academy of Pediatrics’ website for parents
- http://www.orparc.org/ Oregon Post Adoption Resource Center